Pragat Shikshan Sanstha

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Memorable Days of the Camp

Om bhur bhuvah swaha,
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi,
Dhiyo yo nah pracho dayat…”



“Shreyaaaaaaaa ! Please turn off that damn alarm!”

“Come on guys, wake up now!”



This is how our mornings in Guide Rajya Puraskar (State Award) camp started at 4 am every day.


We would wake up startled and run to brush our teeth. We would quickly get ready and run to drink tea when the bell rang

loudly. The eating and drinking happened on time in strict discipline.


They day passed quickly writing exams, doing practicals and cleaning. At night we had to run to our room very fast to get a place to sleep because the room was very small. That room used to be a part of a stable in old times so we had to walk slowly, otherwise our feet made loud tapping sound on the wooden floor.


Many funny incidents happened in the four days of the camp. We will tell you one of them. On the second day of the camp the chief madam there told us to find out the number of girls and teachers who would be fasting the next day. We did our job and gave the number 35 to Madam. But next day the count came only to 25. We were confused. Madam was very angry at us. Actually some of the girls had changed their minds after talking to their parents. But we had to face the music.


Such were the fun filled memorable days of the camp.

Renuka Saste, Aishwarya Bhujbal, 8th, Kamala Nimbkar Balbhavan

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