Pragat Shikshan Sanstha

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Munia Bird

I came home. The air was very hot. Then I opened the window. There was some grass in the window. I threw that grass away. Next day I came home and opened the window. But there was again some grass. Then my mother said, “I think birds are making nest there”. The birds stored more grass. I found out that it was Spotted Munia.


After some days the Munia made a round nest. She gave one egg. I was very happy. My younger brother Shreyas was happier than me. He said, “When will the chicks come out? I will take them.”


For some days the bird did not come in the nest.  After some days I opened the window. There were two eggs. The bird had come there. She gave eight eggs in one week. She gave one egg each day.


The chicks will come out after some days.  

I am really eager and excited to see Munia bird’s chicks. 

Shreya Adake, 7th, Kamala Nimbkar Balbhavan

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